For the last year, schools have been asking us for tips on how to showcase their campus environments “virtually” during the global COVID-19 crisis.
In the short-term, schools have been asking for a way to quickly create an online tour to replace their in-person tours. And for the long-term, they’re requesting quotes for a more comprehensive virtual tour solution.
In response to these requests, we’ve created an inexpensive, fast way to help you:
- Organize, and present your school’s existing videos, photos, maps and other content in one centralized virtual campus experience, and
- Create the framework for a more complete virtual tour in the future (when your campus is open again, and at a time when your team is comfortable having us on campus to photograph it)
So how does it work?
Step 1: Collect any content that showcases the points of interest on your campus
- Video clips & Photos — search your existing content library. Or, if your campus is still accessible, go shoot new photos and videos of key locations on campus that you would normally take people on an in-person visit.
- Campus maps — This could be a campus rendering, illustrated map or aerial photo. Preferably, one that does not have markings (numbers, text, etc.) on it. If you don’t have one, we can help create a rudimentary one for you.
Step 2: Organize the content
- Name each point of interest as you would normally refer to it
- Identify and mark the locations of each point of interest on the map
- Create a digital folder for each point of interest
- Save all the photos into the appropriate folder
- Upload the video clips to YouTube or Vimeo
Step 3: Send your content and branding materials to Circlescapes
- Logo (in EPS, SVG or Adobe Illustrator format, of possible)
- Colors (send up to 3 colors you’d like to use)
- Fonts
- All photos, maps and video clip links
- Pick a page on your website that you’d like people to link to when the click on a “learn more” button
Step 4: Circlescapes creates your virtual campus experience.
Step 5: Promote your virtual campus experience
- Add links to your main landing page, pop-up alerts, and drop-down menus
- Schedule online webinars each week (i.e. – Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm) for your admissions team to guide potential students through the virtual campus experience online.
- Promote the webinars and virtual campus experience on social media and on school search websites
How long does it take?
5-7 days. Once we have all your content, logos, maps, colors and fonts, we can create and deliver your virtual campus experience quickly. It’s all housed on your web servers, so there’s no ongoing hosting costs or hassles.
What does it cost?
Without a future virtual tour
$2000 — Virtual campus experience with up to 10 map locations
Optional items
- $100 each — Additional map locations
- $1500 — 2D/Flat campus map rendering
With a future virtual tour
$1500 — Virtual campus experience with up to 10 map locations
Optional items
- $50 each — Additional map locations
- $1000 — 2D/Flat campus map rendering
We will send you an authorization for a complete 10-spin premium virtual tour to get the ball rolling. The project cost indicated will be $8,000 + travel expenses to be determined in the future. The $8,000 equates to:
- $1500 — temporary tour
- $3,000 — 10 spins at $300 each
- $3,500 — Premium design package
When the time comes to shoot your future virtual tour, we will work with you to revise the project estimate to reflect the actual work and deliverables. 25% deposit will be due upon contract execution.